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Q: Who was the person who started Christianity?
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What person started the religion of Christianity?

Jesus Christ is the originator of CHRISTianity (named for Christ)

How did early Christianity spread?

Because if you look in your social studies book it will start talking about Christianity. well it started to spread by someone started a group. i can not remember the name but that person started a group which attracted more and more people to come. So people began to see how important Christianity was

What event started Christianity?

AnswerChristians believe that the event that really started Christianity was the resurrection of Jesus.

What religion started about 2000 years ago?

Christianity started about 2000 years ago with the birth of Jesus Christ in the first century AD. It emerged in the region of Judea and gradually spread throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

Who is the main person in Christianity?

Jesus is The main person and study in christianity.

Did catholicism and judaism start in the same place?

In a way. Catholicism is a form of Christianity, and CHRISTIANITY started out in the middle-eastern lands (Most likely around the area of Palestine), Judaism started near the same place. However, Catholicism actually started out in Europe. Catholicism is a "Modification of Christianity", according to many Christians of many sects. All three of the "Abrahamic Faiths" started out in the Middle East. Those faiths being: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. I hope this has answered your question! =) thanks for answering it!! this is the person who wrote it.

Where did Christianity Judaism and Islam start?

answer1. Islam started in 600-800 CE2. Christianity sarted in 20-200 CE3. judaism stated 4000 years agoanswerActually, the previous answer doesn't say where these religions started.Judaism and Christianity started in Israel. Islam started in Saudi Arabia.

In which present - Day country did the religion of Christianity begin?

Christianity started in Israel, with the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ.

Did Christianity started in Greece?

No, in Palestine

Who started the spread of Christianity?


How did Judaism and Christianity start?

Judaism & Christianity started with God's Covenant with Abraham.

Where the religion started Christianity?

God started Christianity through Christ in Israel first, then it spread to other nations who loved God.