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a slave

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Q: Who was the person who wanted to do away with slavery?
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Who was the Person who wanted to get rid of slavery?

Many, many people wanted to end slavery. Abraham Lincoln is often identified as the key person, but he certainly was not the only person to wish for slavery to end.

A person who wanted to end slavery was called?



A person who wanted to end slavery in the United States

Is an abolitionist a person who supported slavery?

No, an abolitionist was someone who wanted to abolish, or get rid of, slavery.

What are Abolotionists?

Abolitionists were people who wanted to do away with slavery in the 1800's.

Person who wants to do away with slavery?


Who was a famous person who wanted to stop slavery?

Abraham lincoln

What does abolinisht mean?

Abolitionist is a person who wanted to stop slavery.

What were the north's views about slavery?

the north's views on slavery were ngative and they wanted it abolished. that is why slaves went to the north when they ran away.

What did they call a person who wanted to end slavery completely in the US?

An abolitionist.

What was a person who wanted to end slavery completely in the US called?


Why did slaves rebel there owners?

they were mistreated an wanted freedom. to be away from slavery an have civil rights