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Q: Who was the philosopher who thought that history was a struggle between classes?
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All history has been what according to Karl Marx?

According to Marx, all of history is a record of class struggle.

Which of these answers best describes the Karl Marx's view of history?

a struggle of classes:)

How is the history of society a one class struggle?

The concept of a one-class struggle suggests that throughout history, societies have been characterized by an inherent conflict between the ruling class (those who hold power and control resources) and the working class (those who perform labor and create wealth). This struggle is rooted in the unequal distribution of resources and power, leading to tensions and conflicts between the classes in various forms, such as economic exploitation, social inequality, and political oppression. This perspective is often associated with Marxist theory and the idea that history is shaped by the struggle for control and dominance between social classes.

According to Karl Marx history can be viewed as a constant struggle between?

Classes The above answer fits what should be the last word in the question's answer. However, without adding the following, readers do not gain much. Karl Marx believed that history was driven by economics. It was a struggle between the "Haves" & the Have Nots". The struggle was between the ownsers of the means of production and those who either worked for this group or survived on their own.

What did Karl marx s of say drives the evlolution history?

Marx believed that the driving force behind the evolution of history was the struggle between different socioeconomic classes. He theorized that this class struggle would ultimately lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a communist society.

Karl Marx believed that history was the story of?

Marx believed that history was the story of the struggle between the different classes in society. The opening line of chapter I of "The Communist Manifesto" is "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

Why did Karl Marx believe that all of history is a struggle between classes?

Karl Marx believed that history is a continuous battle between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat) over control of resources and power. He argued that this struggle was intrinsic to the capitalist system, where the exploitation of the labor of the working class by the ruling class created conflict and inequality.

What is history for Marx and Engels?

For Marx and Engels, history is the story of class struggle, where different economic classes clash over the control of the means of production. They view history as a progression of stages driven by the conflicts between classes, leading ultimately to a classless society where all individuals have equal access to resources. They see history as a process of social change driven by material conditions and modes of production.

How did Karl view history?

social change resulting from the struggle of social classes.

Karl Marx believed the key element in understanding human history is to understand?

the relationship between different economic classes and their struggle for power. Marx argued that throughout history, societies have been defined by the conflict between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat), with the eventual goal of achieving a classless society.

What Theory was developed by Carl Marx to explain the relationship between the social classes?

Karl Marx developed the theory of Marxism, which explains the relationship between social classes through the concept of class struggle and the idea that history is driven by the conflict between the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat). Marx believed that this conflict would ultimately lead to the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of a classless society.

What collge level is studying Foucault?

I studied Foucault at the Junior level of college in my history classes. I think that this is the best time to work on such an intricate and profound philosopher and social theorist.