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Q: Who was the president and deputy from Virginia who presided over the convention at which the Constitution was written?
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Who presided over the convention which wrote and approved the Constitution?

gearge Washington

Who was president of the US Constitutional Covention?

George Washington presided over the deliberations of the US Constitutional Convention. He also served a one of the delegates from Virginia.

Who presided over the constitution convention in philadelphia?

The fifty-five delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention.George Washington, who two years later (1789) became the first US President under that Constitution.

Who presided over the constitution convention and what was his title?

George Washington chaired the second Constitutional Convention which drew up our present Constitution. I do not know his exact title.

George Washington presided over the Philadelphia Convention that drafted the US Constitution in which year?


When did they write the US Constitution?

The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia from May 25 to September 17th, 1787. The convention was presided over by future president George Washington. The Constitution was ratified in 1789 and has been in effect since that time.

Who specificly wrote the Constitution?

It was a group effort by all the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, presided over by George Washington.

What New Hampshire state convention did Franklin Pierce preside over in 1850?

He presided over a convention to draw up an new New Hampshire state constitution.

Who presided over the convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

What role did George Washington play in constitutional convention?

In 1787 Washington's concerns about the disintegration of the nation prompted him to serve as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. He presided over the convention, and his support was key to ratification of the newly proposed Constitution.

Who presided over the contitutional convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

Who is were most influential in initiating and shaping the outcome of the Texas Constitutional Convention of 1875?

Two very influential men in the creation and framing of the Texas Constitution in 1875 were Edward Pickett, who presided over the convention, and the convention's secretary, Leigh Chalmers.