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Depending on how the wording of this question is interpreted:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president for the four years after the Pearl Harbour attack.

Richard Milhouse Nixon became the president about four years after the Pearl Harbour attack.

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Q: Who was the president four years after the attack on pearl harbor?
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How many years has it been since the Pearl Harbor attack?

The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941.

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No, the A-Bomb attack on Hiroshima was done to shock the Japanese leaders into surrender to end the war that Japan started more than three years earlier with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

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They trained for years to fight and to use planes for attacks. They had been fighting for many years before that attack.

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Pearl Harbour attack was December, 1941. War ended in November 1945, so almost four.

Did the attack on Pearl Harbor take place during World War 2?

The Attack on Pearl Harbor started WWII for the Americans but it was already going in Europe for several years. After the attack the Unites States declared war on Japan and Germany bringing the U.S. into the war.

How did the Japan know when to attack Pearl Harbor?

Japan sent men posing as tourists to Hawaii who took photos and took notes on the activities in and around Pearl Harbor over the course of a couple years.

Was Jimmy Carter president during Pearl Harbor?

No. Carter was only 17 years old at the time.

What years were the bombing of pearl harbor fought?

December 7, 1941 was Pearl Harbor.

Japan had been at war for four years prior to the attack on pearl harbor with which country?

China. Japan invaded China in 1937.

How did the bombing of Pearl Habor affect the world?

WWII had been going on in the Pacific for 4 years and in Europe for 2 years before the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. This marked the US entry into the war. The US government had reason to believe that the Japanese might attack US interests in the Pacific at some point, but because of the distance between the Japanese islands and Hawaii, they did not expect an attack at Pearl Harbor.