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Q: Who was the president of the US during the Sputnik launch?
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Who was US president when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik?

We don't know whether or not it was the first attempt, but the first launch thatsuccessfully placed a man-made object in Earth-orbit was the launch of Sputnik-Iin October 1957, during the second term of President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Sputnik launch by US?


Who was the leader during sputnik?

Dwight Eisenhower was the US President.

What event caused the US to spend more education during the late 1950's?

The launch of Sputnik.

How can you tell the US Government took the launch of Sputnik seriously?

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The launch of sputnik caused the US to increase spending on?

The Vanguard Project

How can you tell that the US government took the launch of sputnik seriously?

answer or nawh?

Why did sputnik create such a panic in America?

If they can put a satellite in orbit they can launch a H-bomb at us too. It wasn't quite true with Sputnik 1, but it was with Sputnik 2.

What event caused an increase of spending on education and technology by the US?

The soviets launch of the sputnik

Was the launch of the Sputnik a surprise to Americans?

Yes. The US didn't think the USSr har the technology to do that.

Was the US the first to launch into space?

No. The USSR was the first to launch any kind of space craft with the launch of "Sputnik 1" in 1957. The US was the first to send a man to the moon in 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission