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J. Edgar Hoover

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Q: Who was the president who had a huge dam named for him?
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Which president had a dan named after him?

That's Dam. President Hoover.

What famous dam is named after president Hoover?

When the dam was in its planning stages, in 1930, Herbert Hoover was President. It was then in 1930 that Secretary Ickes stated publicly that Hoover Dam was to be built, noting that naming a dam after a president was appropriate. In 1933, when Hoover was not re-elected, the name was reverted to Boulder Dam. It remained Bould Dam until 1947, when an act of Congress officially re-named the dam Hoover Dam.

What president was the dam named after?

Herbert Hoover - Boulder Dam in the Black Canyon on the Colorado River was renamed to Hoover Dam in his honor.

Which president had the highest dam in the world on Colorado river named after him?


The dam that formed Lake Mead is named after what U.S. president?

Herbert Hoover

Why is the Hoover dam called the greatest dam?

Many reasons. It's massive size, the fact that it supplies much of the Nevada (including Las Vegas) region with water, it was built during the Great Depression and provided many with jobs, and also because of the horrid fact that some men helping to build it were cemented over after they fell.

Diagram this sentence Boulder dam was the original name of Hoover dam?

Boulder dam was originaly named Hoover Dam.

Had a large dam named after him?

Hoover is the one. Roosevelt changed the name of Boulder Dam to Hoover Dam.

Who was the president of the Hoover Dam when it was completed?

President Franklin Roosevelt

What countries are affected by the ataturk dam?

The main countries affected by the Atatürk Dam are Syria and Iraq since they are along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. ....the ataturk dam was built by a turkish president named......turgut ozal! the main reason why the dam was built was because the president wanted the water to be saved for his future country and also to generate more eleticity and irrigate the plains on turkey. the dam is still up today and in my opinion iu beleive that the president should of never built the dam he should of just let the water flow because no the countries bordering turkey are in trouble because they have no major water supply because of the dam that was built in turkey!

What dam in Washington State ends in the three letters lee?

The Grand Coulee Dam - a huge dam on the Columbia River in north-central Washington State.

Who is the biggest dam in India?

The president of India