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because he wanted to take over the world andhe did not know waht to do over that time

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Q: Who was the reason why Joseph Stalin wanted to become a leader?
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Who was Joseph Stalin known for?

Joseph Stalin was a Russian dictator during World War 2 who played a large part in Hitler's defeat in the same war. However he was the reason many were killed.

Why did Stalin stop being leader of Russia?

he died in 1953. only reason he was replaced.

Why did Joseph Stalin kill so many of his people during and before WWll?

The most major reason was simply to make sure there was no chance of a revolution or revolt of any sort. Stalin constantly made sure threats were eliminated.

What was Joseph Stalin's nation?

Stalin was Georgian by birth, having been born in the town of Gori, Georgia. Stalin's birth name was Dzhughashvili a decidedly non Russian name. He spoke Russian with a thick Georgian accent. Part of the reason he adopted the name Stalin was so that his Georgian last name would not be so obvious.

How can you become a leader in VMK?

You can show good leadership and have someone recommend you, or you can recommend yourself. You can not have been banned, (all hope is gone for me!), and you have to give a good reason why. To do this click on Contact Us and click on I want to become A Community Leader as the reason.

Can you give me a brief description of Joseph Stalin?

Factual: Must be confirmed styles of governing or ways of rule and have no bias whatsoever.Communist, Socialist, Totalitarian, Atheist, Dictatorship, Autocrat, Stalinist, Leninist.Opinionated: Must be biased towards a pro-Stalin or an anti-Stalin view.Despot, Tyrant, Capable Leader, Revolutionary,

What were the names of Joseph Stalin's wives?

Yakov Dzhugashvili this was Joseph Stalin's son's name. This was his only child to his first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze.According to the Wikipedian article re Joseph Stalin:"Stalin had a son, Vasiliy, and a daughter, Svetlana, with his second wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva. She died in 1932, officially of illness. She may have committed suicide by shooting herself after a quarrel with Stalin, leaving a suicide note which according to their daughter was "partly personal, partly political".Stalin may have married a third wife, Rosa Kaganovich, the sister of Lazar Kaganovich."There is reason to believe he had further children.Beside his suite in the Kremlin, Stalin had numerus domiciles.Yasha, Vasily, and Svetlana are the names of his known children.

How did Stalin convinvce his people to support him?

Stalin, for the most part, was a successful leader. Their economy grew, markedly unaffected by the Great Depression, and people usually like leaders who bring prosperity. Stalin's enemies didn't fair well, so that had to be a reason many went along with Stalin's programs. Finally, after the second World War, Stalin's Cold War efforts spawned a new nationalistic pride in the Soviet Union.

Why did Obama become a leader?

one reason is to become the african american president. 2 to make the world a better place the George Bush did. OBAMA 4 EVER!

What may have caused Joseph Stalin to believe that Great Britain preferred to have an alliance with Poland instead of one with the USSR?

The British government's unilateral security guarantee to Poland in March of 1939 may have helped Stalin to believe that Great Britain preferred a treaty with Poland and not with the USSR. Stalin had every reason to believe that the British had every intention to keep the USSR out of the European "power group of nations".

What was Joseph Stalin's early life like?

Joseph Stalin grew up in quite a poor family. He was born in Gori, Georgia, in 1879. He was born into poverty that most peasants living in Russia were going through. He was his mother's fourth child, but the other three died and Stalin suffered from health problems as a child. This caused his mother to be seriously protective of him. Stalin was good in school and eventually won a scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary. While studying here, he joined a secret organisation called Messame Dassy. Many members were socialist revolutionaries, and it was through these people that Stalin became interested in the ideas of Karl Marx. In 1899, Stalin was expelled from the Tiflis Theological Seminary. Later in life, he claimed the reason for why he was expelled was for trying to convert students at his school to Marxism. Karl Marx was Stalin's role model and inspired him. I hope this helped.

Where was Stalin at during World War 2?

The soviet union and Germany declared an armistice before the war started. and when Hitler conquered all of Europe, he got bored and decided to attack the soviet union. at that time, Stalin thwarted off the attack and headed for Germany. He was a main reason why Germany fell in world war 2