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Factual: Must be confirmed styles of governing or ways of rule and have no bias whatsoever.

Communist, Socialist, Totalitarian, Atheist, Dictatorship, Autocrat, Stalinist, Leninist.

Opinionated: Must be biased towards a pro-Stalin or an anti-Stalin view.

Despot, Tyrant, Capable Leader, Revolutionary,

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11y ago

Joseph Stalin is almost was bad as Hitler. His childhood could be a reason that lead him this way. As a child, his father would abuse him and his mother. Sometimes he would end up with blood in his urine, trying to protect his mother and ended up injuring himself when his dad was drunk or mad. In the end, Stalin treated his kids just the way his dad treated him. His siblings were dead before he was born. He was very horrible to women, he treated his 2nd wife horrible by always humiliating her in front of people. He was probably the main reason to her death. When he was young, he always knew that he wanted to be a communist leader or some sort. In the end 1924, he saw a chance to seize power. He wouldexpelpeople for revolutionaries activity, because of his huge enemy complex.

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