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The answer is in the category this question has been entered into. Charles Darwin.


Darwin proposed that species changed in response to natural processes. He knew that species could be modified by human intervention as the breeding of cattle, dogs, cats and various farm crops was widely practiced.

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed his theory of the transmutation of species, the first fully science bases theory of evolution. Both Darwin and A. R. Wallace published books on the theory of evolution in the 19th century.

All early thinking on evolution including Darwin's, was hampered by the absence of any understanding or awareness of genes or DNA as messengers of change. As consequence many "Theories of Evolution" going back to the Greeks and Chinese were hampered by this lack.

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Q: Who was the scientist that first established the theory of evolution?
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The theory of evolution was accepted by scientists in 1859, Darwin's first book was published the same year that his theory was accepted.

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