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In World War 1 the British, and the French among others, were fighting against the so called "Central Powers" - German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

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Q: Who was the side that the British were fighting against in World War I?
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Who were the British fighting with in World War?

In World war 2 the British were fighting on the allies side Russia (the Soviet Union at the time), and France. After Russia dropped out of the war because of their own revolution, the United States entered on the side of Britain and France. They were fighting against the Axis Powers of Japan and Germany.

What led the French and Indian War was that they were fighting for a piece of land?

French and Indians were on the same side fighting against the British.

What did the British believe when they fought against the French in World War 1?

The British did not fight against the French in World War I. They were on the same side against the Germans.

The Indians were fighting on the side of which country?

During World War I and World War II, Indians fought on the side of the British Empire. Many Indian soldiers served in the British Indian Army and British armed forces.

Which side had the largest fighting forces in the colonies in 1777?

The British

What was John Adams fighting for in the Massacre in Boston?

John Adams was on the British's side. he was the British's lawyer.

Which side won the World War 1?

The Allies Won the war after four long hard years of fighting against Germans

How was Australia involved in World War 2?

We fought on the British and American side in Europe against the Germans and Italians. as well as in Asia against the Japanese

Which side did Odysseus fight in the Trojan war?

He was on the side of the Greeks, fighting against the Trojans.

Who's side was Japan fighting in world war 2?

Japan was on the side of the Japanese in WW2 (They formed the Axis with Germany & Italy). They fought against, principally, the US, Britain & Australia.

What did the French and Indian War settle the question of which country?

The French and Indian War is misleading because The French and the Indians were actually on the same side, fighting against the British. The British won however and gained the majority of North America as their land.

What side were the American colonies on during the French and Indian war?

They were on the British side, The French and Indians were allies against the British.