

Who was the son of ptolemy xiv of Egypt?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Who was the son of ptolemy xiv of Egypt?
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Who did Cleopatra reign with?

Cleopatra reigned first with her brother Ptolemy XIII, then with her brother Ptolemy XIV, then with her son Caesarion, or Ptolemy XV.

Who did Cleopatra merrie?

She married her two half brothers, as was customary, Ptolemy XIII, and upon his death, Ptolemy XIV. At the death of Ptolemy XIV, she ruled jointly with her three-year-old son by Caesar.

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Cleopatra's brother were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.

How old was ptolemy XIV when he died?

Ptolemy XIV was about 11 or 12 when he mysteriously died.

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Cleopatra had three husbands. The first two were her younger brothers, Ptolemy XIII, and Ptolemy XIV. Her third "marriage" was to Marc Antony, only recognized in Egypt.

Cleopatra what were her brothers names?

ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV

What was name of the brother Cleopatra marred?

Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV

Who are Cleopatra's brothers?

Cleopatra's brothers were Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.

When did Cleopatra marry Ptolemy xiv?

Cleopatra married Ptolemy XIV, right after the death of Prolemy XIII under orders from Caesar.

Who was Cleopatra's brother?

Cleopatra VII had four siblings they are: Berenice, Cleopatra Tryphaena, Cleopatra, Ptolemy XIII, Arisnoe, Ptolemy XIV,

What is Cleopatra's brother name?

Cleopatra had two brothers, Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV.

Who was Cleopatras 2 brothers?

Cleopatra's brothers were Ptolemy XII and Ptolemy XIV.