


Ptolemy was an Egyptian mathematician and scientist. He lived from 90 to 168 AD.

410 Questions

What are 3 observations made ancient astronomers think the earth was in the center of the universe?

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  1. The daily motion of celestial bodies appeared to revolve around the Earth, suggesting it was the central point.
  2. Retrograde motion of planets, where they appeared to move backwards in the sky, was explained by placing Earth at the center.
  3. The lack of observed stellar parallax (shift in the position of stars due to Earth's orbit) supported the idea of Earth being stationary at the center of the universe.

Who wrote the book geographia?

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The book "Geographia" is commonly attributed to the Greek astronomer and mathematician Claudius Ptolemy. It was a comprehensive work on geography and cartography that laid the foundation for mapmaking in the ancient world.

What model did Ptolemy propose?

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Ptolemy proposed a geocentric model of the universe, known as the Ptolemaic system. In this model, the Earth was considered to be at the center of the universe, with the Sun, Moon, and planets orbiting around it in perfect circles. It was widely accepted until the Copernican Revolution.

Why models of the ealry ptolemy solar system were replaced by the copernican model?

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The early Ptolemaic model placed Earth at the center of the solar system, which led to complex explanations for retrograde motion of planets. The Copernican model shifted the center to the Sun, providing a simpler explanation for planetary movements. Additionally, the Copernican model was supported by observational evidence and eventually gained wider acceptance due to its better predictive power.

Why is Africa missing from the map of Ptolemy?

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Africa was not missing from Ptolemy's map; it was just depicted inaccurately due to limitations in geographical knowledge at the time. Ptolemy's map of Africa showed it as much smaller and further to the south than it actually is. Misinterpretation of ancient texts and lack of exploration of the continent contributed to this error.

How did Copernicuss view of earth's position in the universe differ from Ptolemy's?

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Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model, where the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, while Ptolemy's model was geocentric, with Earth at the center of the universe. Copernicus' model challenged the prevailing belief that Earth was the center of the universe and laid the foundation for modern astronomy.

When did Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII go to war?

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Cleopatra and Ptolemy XIII went to war around 48 BC, after Ptolemy's supporters opposed Cleopatra's rule in Egypt. Cleopatra was eventually able to defeat Ptolemy XIII's forces with the help of Julius Caesar, solidifying her position as the sole ruler of Egypt.

Was Ptolemy Xlll killed by Cleopatra or did he drown?

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Historical accounts suggest that Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile River while attempting to escape after his defeat by Julius Caesar's forces in Alexandria. There is no evidence to suggest that Cleopatra was directly involved in his death.

What were the major accomplishments of ptolemy?

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Ptolemy made significant contributions to astronomy, geography, and mathematics during the Hellenistic period. His most famous work, the "Almagest," synthesized and refined existing knowledge about the motion of celestial bodies. Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe was widely accepted for centuries, and his maps and geographical coordinates greatly influenced cartography.

What did ptolemy and Copernicus and Galileo found out about the solar system?

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Ptolemy proposed a geocentric model, with Earth at the center and planets orbiting it. Copernicus suggested a heliocentric model, with the Sun at the center of the solar system. Galileo's telescopic observations supported the heliocentric model and provided evidence for Copernicus' theory.

Who supported the views of ptolemy and Aristotle?

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The Catholic Church and many scholars during the Middle Ages supported the views of Ptolemy and Aristotle. They were considered authoritative sources for understanding the natural world, and their theories were seen as compatible with Christian theology at the time.

How do you pronounce Cleopatra's fathers name?

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Cleopatra was a throne name used by nearly all the Greek queens of Egypt. the Cleopatra who was involved with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and was the last queen of Egypt before the Roman takeover, is known to the modern world as Cleopatra VII.

Her father was Ptolemy XII Auletes. Ptolemy was the throne name used by most of the kings of Egypt from the death of Alexander until the Romans took over.

The correct pronunciation of Ptolemy would be as if spelled in English as Tol-em-me.

What gods were worshiped in ancient Egypt?

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Ancient Egyptians worshiped a wide variety of gods and goddesses. Some of the most well-known included Ra, the sun god; Osiris, the god of the afterlife; Isis, the goddess of magic and motherhood; and Horus, the god of kingship and the sky. Each god represented different aspects of life and nature.

How are Copernicus theory and Ptolemy theory have in common'?

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Both the Copernican and Ptolemaic models were geocentric theories that sought to explain the motion of celestial bodies, particularly the movement of the Sun, Moon, and planets in relation to Earth. However, the key difference between the two theories lies in their proposed structure of the solar system, with Copernicus advocating a heliocentric model (Sun-centered) while Ptolemy supported a geocentric model (Earth-centered).

Whose ideas are not directly reflected in your modern understanding of the you?

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Philosophers like René Descartes and David Hume have contributed to the modern understanding of the self, though their ideas are not directly reflected in current psychological or cognitive science models of the self. Modern psychology emphasizes the integration of various aspects of self, including cognition, emotions, and behavior, rather than focusing solely on rationality or perception.

Did Aristotle and Ptolemy reason that the celestial bodies must be provided with a source of motion?

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Yes, both Aristotle and Ptolemy believed that the celestial bodies must be moved by something because they observed the regular motion of the stars and planets. They reasoned that there must be an external force or source of motion that governs their movement within the geocentric model of the universe.

What was Ptolemy contribution to science?

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Ptolemy contributed to science and astronomy by developing the theory of the Earth. He was the first person to view the solar system as a heliocentric system instead of a geocentric system.

Lets us see flaws in the ptolemaic model of the universe What is its basic flaws?

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The Ptolemaic model of the universe placed Earth at the center with other planets and the Sun in circular orbits around it. One flaw is the complicated system of epicycles and deferents needed to explain the retrograde motion of planets. Additionally, it could not predict planetary positions as accurately as the heliocentric model due to its geocentric nature.

Is there any museums or olaces named ptolemy?

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Yes, there are places named after Ptolemy, the ancient Greek mathematician and astronomer. One famous example is the Ptolemaic Temple of Horus in Edfu, Egypt. Additionally, there are various museums around the world that may have exhibits related to Ptolemy's work and achievements.

Who proposed the Ptolemaic universe theory?

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The Ptolemaic universe theory was proposed by the ancient Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD. He proposed a geocentric model of the universe with Earth at the center, and this theory dominated Western astronomy for over a thousand years.

Did Cleopatra have a positive effect on Egypt?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

No, not hardly. She last the country to Rome. That could never be construed as a positive effect.

How concept and ideas were developed to create the image?

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The concept and ideas for creating an image can be developed through brainstorming, research, and inspiration from various sources such as nature, art, or current trends. This process involves visualizing the final image, considering colors, composition, and overall message to convey the intended meaning effectively. Collaborating with team members and incorporating feedback can further refine the concept before bringing it to life through design and implementation.

Did Ptolemy model include elliptical orbits?

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No, Ptolemy's model of the universe did not include elliptical orbits. He believed that celestial bodies moved in perfect circles around the Earth. It was Johannes Kepler who later proposed elliptical orbits as the correct explanation for the motion of planets.

What did the world look like to the ancient egyptians?

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To the ancient Egyptians, the world was a place full of mystery and wonder, where the Nile River played a central role in both their daily lives and their religious beliefs. They believed in numerous gods and goddesses, and death was seen as a transition to the afterlife, where one's actions on Earth would determine their fate. The ancient Egyptians viewed their rulers as divine beings, such as pharaohs who were considered the intermediaries between the gods and the people.

When did Cleopatra the 7 get married to her first husband?

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Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra married her first husband, her brother, in 47 BC at the urging of Julius Caesar.