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Q: Who was the son of the great King Asoka or Ashoka?
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Who is the son of Bimbisara?

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Who was the most powerful king in India's history?

King ashoka as he got the title [ ashoka the great] and akbar as he also got the same title [akbar the great] i think king dushyanta the son of bharata was the most powerful indian ruler of india

Who is son of bindusara?

asoka the great

How did Asoka react after seeing the 1000's of dead killed in battle?

The Great King Ashoka was in deep sorrows after 1000 people was killed by him In kaling's war,so after this war he decided to join the Bodh's religion,and he had send his son and And Daughter in diffrent country like Shri lanka and japan for spreding the Bodh's dharam

How many sons were of king Asoka?

1 son -mahendra & 1 daughter -sangamitra

What was ashoka's son's name?

Mahendra was ashoka's son'name

Is Chandragupta Maurya related to ashoka?

Yes, Ashoka was Chandragupta Maurya's grandson. Ashoka was the son of Bimbhisara which in turn was Chandragupta Maurya's son.

What were the names of emperor Asoks's son and daughter?

sangamittra and mahinthra are the sons of Ashoka

What does Asoka's edicts indicate about him?

Asoka was motivated to convert to Buddhism after seeing 100,000 casualties during his conquests. After this transformation he promoted peace an

List of powerful empire in history?

Alexander the great invaded half of the world and was invincible. King Ashoka The world will never see a King like Ashoka again. The King with worlds Biggest army. The worlds best man and also invinceble. Genchis Khan. he was defeated some times but stil he retrained his power. Raja Raja Cholazan The king with most powerful army next to King Ashoka. Raja Rajan was invincible and was a handsome king. Rajendra Choza. Son of Raja Rajan. The first king to have his own navy. The invincible king invaded south Asia and was the first fearless Indian.

Who was the father of ashoka the great?

Ashoka's father was Bindusara, the son of Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta is the Sandrocottos of ancient Greek authors, and Bindusara is called Amitrochates and sometimes according to the author Allitrochades.

Alexander was the son of what ruler?

Alexander The Great was the son of the Macedonian King; King PhilipII