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Q: Who was the world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?
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Under the world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

for a+...... marshal plan

What did King Leopold II do that upset the other European nations?

The king used the Congo's people as slaves to supply rubber. If the people didnt supply enough rubber their hands would be cut off.

How much of the worlds cotton supply came from the southern US?

By 1860, cotton fueled the Southern economy and helped the Northern textile mills. Two thirds of the world's cotton was produced by the Southern plantations. The northern textile mills were effected by the disruption of the US Civil War in that by 1860, mills sold $100 million worth of cloth made from cotton.

Why did Europeans explore?

Trade and treasure was always at the bottom of it. Although curiosity about unknown places and a sense of 'can this be done?' (think Columbus' and Magellan's travels) certainly played a role, the idea always was to discover places where spices could be bought or gold could be found. Medieval Europeans were very much aware that their dependence on the existing overland supply routes and on Venetian and Arab merchants led to supply always being less than demand, and - as a result - to skyrocketing prices. Basically, the 'exploring' nations - Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch and English - were trying to corner the markets for themselves.

What significance did Columbus voyage have on history?

inflated prices in Europe due to increased money supply (gold); destroyed the American Indian culture and most of its population; virtually eliminated the power of the Italian city-states, which had heretofore dominated the European economy; elevated Spain and later England; opened an escape route for religious dissenters and other malcontents in Europe

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What helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

Marshall Plan.

The world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

Marshall Plan

Under the the world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

marshall plan

Under the world helped supply the immediate needs of European nations?

for a+...... marshal plan

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The king used the Congo's people as slaves to supply rubber. If the people didnt supply enough rubber their hands would be cut off.

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