

Who well be president?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Who well be president?
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If the president was killed who well step in?

The Vice president.

Is president of Taiwan good?

well, it depends what year of president, the president of 2009 is good!

What was Eisenhower's greatest achievement as president?

he was a general as well a president.

What power does the president have in the executive branch?

The president can veto the checks.He/ she can sign it . The vice president helps the President. The Cabinets help the president has well.

What is vice president called if president is unconscious?

Well, if he knocked the president unconscious, then he's called a "criminal".

What did he do about slaves when he was president?

Well abraham lincoln was the president known for abolishing slavery

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Yes, the commonwealth of Dominica has a president as well a prime minister.

What is the most well known president?

George Washington, our first US president.

What would happen if the President died and the Vice President died as well?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes President.

What will happen if a president dies in office?

The vice president will become the president if that happens. Well, what happened when Lincoln was killed?

What president removed the SE Indians?

Well the answer to the question is President Lakisha Jifflolgo to smallworlds.comppl

Who is the president who has been out of the office longest?

Well 200 years ago Washington was president.