

Who were Ares relatives?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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10y ago

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The father of Ares is Zeus, his mother is Hera, his siblings by his parents include Hephaestus the smith god, Hebe the goddess of youth, Eileithyia goddess of birth, Eris his twin and goddess of strife and war, his consort was Aphrodite the goddess of love and his children with her induced:

Deimos & Phobos, gods of Fear & Terror

Anteros, god of love returned

Harmonia, goddess of harmony

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Q: Who were Ares relatives?
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yes. they were :uranus, gaea, cronus, demeter, hades, hera, hestia, poseidon, ares, artemis, apollo, athena, dionusus, heracles, hermes, and persephone

What did the Romans call Ares?

They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.They called Ares, Mars.

What are Hades's olympian relatives?

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What are important relatives of Ares the God of War?

Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera so I would say that they're pretty important. He did have brothers and sisters. They are; Hebe, Hephaestus (God of Forgery) Enyo, Heracles and Eileithyia. He had 7 children; Eros, Anteros, Deimos,Phlegyas, Harmonia and Adrestia. Hope this helps.