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Linda James.

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Q: Who were John Booth's Companions?
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What was john wilks booths favorite music?

John Wilkes Booths favorite music is Opera

What were John Wilkes booths strengths?

i dont know

What is john Wilkes booths middle name?


What was john Wilkes booths favorite color?


When was john booths birth?

John Wilkes Booth was born on May 10, 1838.

What was john booths job?

An American stage actor

Why is John Wilkes booths grave unmarked?

John Wilkes Booth's grave is unmarked due to family request.

Who were john Wilkes booths accomplices?

His accomplices in the assassination of Lincoln were John H. Sturratt and David C. Harold.

What was john Wilkes booths feeling about the war?

Chiefly, he was an actor who wanted to do something dramatic.

Who were the other intended victims of john booths?

George Bush, Abraham Lincoln, and his wife

What happened after the Lincoln assassination event?

police issued a warrant for john Wilkes booths arrest

How did John Booths action hurt the south?

because he killed thier president and their freedom from slaverey