

Who were important soldiers on both sides of the Gulf War?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Which Gulf War? There were 3 of them.

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Q: Who were important soldiers on both sides of the Gulf War?
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(Apex) Interview soldiers who served on both sides of the conflict.

What mountain range did the soldiers from both sides sometimes have to cross in the civi l war?

During the Civil War the soldiers of both sides had sometimes to cross the Appalachians.

Is the confederacy the one who was cavalry?

No, both sides had cavalry soldiers.

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Soldiers on both sides

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Both sides had to introduce conscription - after an interval when both sides had expected an early victory.

How many soldiers died in the battle of loos?

ABOUT 75,000 soldiers on both sides. See the link below.

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About 300,000 counting both sides.

Why do you think both sides introduced a draft?

Both sides needed more soldiers because the civil war claimed many lives.

Both sides had to keep up the numbers of soldiers needed?

draft laws

What did both sides do to get more soldiers in the civil war?

offered pay to soldiers along with promises of homes, education, and "insurance"

How did soldiers from both sides attempt to break through enemy lines from America and Germany army?

In WWI both sides tried to break through lines by killing enough soldiers and destroying enough resources to force a surrender.

How could you tell the soldiers on both sides apart in the civil war?

The Union soldiers wore blue uniforms while the Rebel soldiers wore gray.