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they were the children of the nymph Calypso from the Odessey.

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Who were Calypso's children?

In Greek mythology, Calypso's children were Nausithous and Nausinous. They were believed to be fathered by either Odysseus or Poseidon.

What did Nausithous and Nausinous Calypso and Odyessus's children do after Odyessus left Ortygia?

After Odysseus left Ortygia, Nausithous and Nausinous raised Odysseus's children with Calypso in her care. They likely provided for their education and upbringing while Odysseus continued his journey back to Ithaca.

Who is Arete a descendant of?


Does Calypso have a cousin or ANY male relative?

Calypso as daughter of Atlas would have for uncles the brothers of Atlas: Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoitios. Her brother would be Hyas or Hyes, although the mother of Calypso is unknown, and the mother of Hyes is Pleione or Aethra, daughter of Oceanus. By the hero Odysseus, Calypso had sons : Latinus (meaning, the Latin) or a son named Telegonos or Teledamos (who is otherwise a son of Circe and Odysseus), or two sons named Nausithoos and Nausinoos.

Did Odysseus have children with Calypso?

In Greek mythology, Odysseus did not have children with Calypso. Although he spent several years on her island, Ogygia, Calypso kept Odysseus as her lover and wanted him to stay with her forever. Odysseus eventually left the island and returned to his wife Penelope in Ithaca.

Whom is Arete a descendent of?

Arete is a descendant of Poseidon, who, making love to Periboea, begot Nausithous, who in turn had two sons, Rhexenor and Alcinous. Rhexenor later spawned Arete with Apollo.

Who is related to calypso the Greek goddess?

Calypso is the daughter of Atlas, or Oceanus and Tethys, or Nereus and Doris. Her children by Odysseus include Nausithous and Nausinous and Auson. With Circe, Odysseus had Latinus, Agrius, and Cassiphone and Telegonus or Teledamos. With Penelope the son of Odysseus and Circe had Italus. Odysseus and Penelope together had Telemachus, who had Perseptolis either by Polycaste, the daughter of Nestor, or by Nausicaa, the daughter of Alcinous. Latinus might have been Telemachus' son with Circe instead of a son of Odysseus. Latinus had with Amata both Electra - who married Italus and Lavinia (Roma) who married Aeneas. Arcesilaus was also a son of Penelope and Odysseus. With Euippe, Odysseus had the following children; Doryclus, Euryalus, and Leontophron.

How many affairs did Poseidon have?

Triton, Chrysaor, Areion, Polyphemus, Theseus, Orion, Evadne, Nauplios, Nausithous, Neleus, Pelias, and Perseus were Poseidon's kids. He had many affairs also.If you want to count Percy Jackson, go ahead he's a demi-god.

What were the names of three of Poseidon kids?

The ones with Amphitrite are : Triton , Rhode, and possibly Benthesikyme.The other offspring of Poseidon were Eumolpus , Pelias , Neleus , Polyphemus , Oto , Theseus , Ephialtae , Hippothoon , Rhode (may have been with Halia) , Nauplius , Ancaeus , Eurypylos , Aloeus , Epopeus , Hopelus , Nireus , Triopas , Lycus , Poriclymenus , Atlas , Eymelus , Ampheres , Evaemon , Mneseus , Autochthon , Elasippus , Mestor , Azaes , Diaprepes , Arion , Despoina , Euphemus , Antaeus , Charybdis , Hios , Taphius , Aloadae , Belus , Agenor , Lelex , Lamia , Amycus , Pegasus , Chrysaor , Nausithous , Taras , Aon , Byzas , Cercyon , Cycnus , Evadne , Lotis , Rhodus , and Sinis .Poseidon and Amphridite had three recorded children.Triton, a merman who is heralded for being messenger of the sea.*Rhode, a sea nymph and Goddess of RhodesBenthesikyme, later wife of Enalos*There is some dispute about the parentage of Rhode.

Who are Poseidon's children and wives?

Amphitrite -Triton -Benthesikyme -Rhode (possibly) Aphrodite -Rhode (possibly) -Herophile the Sibyl (possibly) Demeter -Despoina -Areion, the talking horse Gaea -Antaeus -Charybdis Hestia (wooed her unsuccessfully) Aba, nymph -Ergiscus Agamede -Dictys Aethra -Theseus Alistra -Ogygus Alcyone -Aethusa -Hyrieus -Hyperenor / Hyperes -Anthas Alope -Hippothoon Amphimedusa, Danaid -Erythras Amymone -Nauplius Arene -Idas (possibly) Arne / Melanippe -Aeolus -Boeotus Arethusa -Abas Ascre -Oeoclus Astydameia, daughter of Phorbas -Caucon Astypalaea -Ancaeus -Eurypylus of Kos Beroe (daughter of Aphrodite) Boudeia / Bouzyge -Erginus Caenis Calchinia -Peratus Canace -Hopleus -Nireus -Aloeus -Epopeus -Triopas Celaeno (Pleiad or daughter of Ergeus) -Lycus -Nycteus -Eurypylus (Eurytus) of Cyrene -Lycaon Celaeno, Danaid -Celaenus Cerebia -Dictys -Polydectes Ceroessa -Byzas Cleodora -Parnassus Chione -Eumolpus Chrysogeneia -Chryses, father of Minyas Corcyra, nymph -Phaeax Coronis Diopatra, nymph of Mount Othrys Euryale, daughter of Minos -Orion (possibly) Eurycyda -Eleius Eurynome (Eurymede), daughter of Nisos -Bellerophon Euryte / Bathycleia -Halirrhothius Halia -Rhode (possibly) -six sons Harpale / Scamandrodice / Calyce -Cycnus Helle -Almops -Edonus -Paion Hermippe -Minyas (possibly) Hippothoe -Taphius Iphimedeia -The Aloadae Laodice Larissa -Achaeus -Pelasgus -Pythius Leis, daughter of Orus -Altephus Libya -Agenor -Belus -Lelex Lysianassa / Anippe -Busiris Mecionice / Europa, daughter of Tityos -Euphemus, Argonaut Medusa -Pegasus -Chrysaor Melantheia, daughter of Alpheus -Eirene Melantho (daughter of Deucalion) -Delphus Melia -Amycus -Mygdon Melissa, daughter of Epidamnus -Dyrrhachius Mestra Mideia -Aspledon Molione -The Molionides Mytilene -Myton Oenope -Megareus of Onchestus (possibly) Olbia, nymph -Astacus Ossa -Sithon (possibly) Peirene -Cenchrias -Leches Periboea -Nausithous Pero, nymph / Kelousa, nymph -Asopus (possibly) Pitane, nymph / Lena -Euadne Phoenice -Torone Pronoe, daughter of Asopus -Phocus Rhode -Ialysus -Cameirus -Lindus Rhodope, daughter of Strymon -Athos Salamis, daughter of Asopus -Cychreus Satyria, nymph of Taras -Taras (eponym of the location) Syme -Chthonius Themisto -Leucon (possibly) Theophane -The Ram of the Golden Fleece Thyia Tyro -Pelias -Neleus Thoosa -Polyphemus Daughter of Amphictyon, unnamed -Cercyon Nymph of Chios, unnamed -Chios Nymph of Chios, unnamed (another one) -Melas -Agelus Unknown consorts: Amphimarus Amyrus, eponym of a river in Thessaly Astraeus and Alcippe of Mysia Calaurus Corynetes (possibly) Cymopoleia Cromus (eponym of Crommyon) Geren, eponym of a town or village Geren on Lesbos Dicaeus, eponym of Dicaea, a city in Thrace Euseirus (father of Cerambus) Ialebion (Alebion) and Dercynus (Bergion) of Liguria Laestrygon, eponym of the Laestrygonians Lamus, king of the Laestrygonians Lilaea (possibly) Messapus Onchestus Ourea Palaestinus Phorbas of Acarnania Poltys Procrustes Proteus Sarpedon of Ainos Sciron Syleus Taenarus (possibly)