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Q: Who were people often helpful to the emigrants?
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What are people called when they move out of a country?

People who move out of a country are often referred to as expatriates or emigrants.

Why emigrants have hard time to find a job?

The local population seldom welcomes emigrants. The local people suspect the emigrants and don't let them mix up with the local people. That is why the emigrants face hardships in finding jobs.

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What is an accurate statement about emigrants heading west in the mid S's?

Emigrants usually traveled in wagon trains of 50 to 1,000 people.<<<Novanet

What was Ireland's greatest export in the 1840's?


What is the term for people who move permanetly to a new country?


Subtract number of emigrants from number of immigrants per 1000 people?

To calculate the difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1000 people, subtract the number of emigrants from the number of immigrants. This will give you the net migration rate per 1000 people.

Which country has the most emigrants?

India has the highest number of emigrants in the world, with over 17 million people living outside the country. The United States, Mexico, and Russia are also among the countries with a large number of emigrants.

What is an accurate statement about emigrants heading west in the mid -1800s?

They traveled in wagon trains of 50 to 1,000 people.

What is the word called when people flee a country?

Emigrants -> leaving a country

Who wrote The Emigrants?

Gilbert Imlay wrote The Emigrants.

When was The Emigrants - novels - created?

The Emigrants - novels - was created in 1949.