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Q: Who were responsible for exporting goods to other countries?
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When an economy is so rich that it can provide goods to other countries it establishes a system of sending the goods to them in other words its what the goods?

It's called exporting goods to different countries.

How is a mother country benefited from the trading links with its colonial countries?

The other colonial countries are exporting goods from each other so everytime they get goods from other countries, they're basically returning the favor of goods.

What do countries gain by exporting goods to other countries?

any country that is exporting something is gaining from the deal. if they export then they are selling something so any country makes money.

How does Australia benefit from exporting goods to overseas countries?

This brings in foreign currency that can be used for purchasing other goods that are not available or too expensive in Australia.

What does it mean for England to have a favorable balance of trade?

it means they are taking in more money exporting its goods than it pays out to buy goods from other countries

What is economics importance?

From logic alone, I will assume that an export-import economic model is the means by which a country operates to fulfill its economic needs by both exporting its goods to other countries, as well as importing goods from other countries. Some countries sustain themselves primarily via exporting goods, such as many Latin American countries during the neocolonial era, while others have a strong domestic economy thus export little, and import the other goods their own industries are lacking.

What is export-import economic model?

From logic alone, I will assume that an export-import economic model is the means by which a country operates to fulfill its economic needs by both exporting its goods to other countries, as well as importing goods from other countries. Some countries sustain themselves primarily via exporting goods, such as many Latin American countries during the neocolonial era, while others have a strong domestic economy thus export little, and import the other goods their own industries are lacking.

What is exporting goods?

To export goods is to sail goods such as weapons, silver, or other needs away to another counrty and then to get something back for exporting that good. When goods are given back to you then that is called importing.

How exporting and importing can increase foreign exchange?

Exporting and importing goods will increase the chances of greater communication with other countries. The export of local products will be greater if other residing countries enjoy the product and would want to have more exported. It's almost the same with importing other products. If there is a greater demand for it, the country will have to get more from where the product came from.

What is difference between direct exporting and indirect exporting?

When involved in direct exporting you keep control about what is happening with the goods or services provided by you or your company. You keep to a certain extend some level of control. With indirect exporting you do not have control, it is left to the agent, importer, commissionaire or other to decide what happens with the goods or services delivered to them.

How much do goods cost in other countries?

It depends on what kind of goods, and the quantity of goods - and what other countries!