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Roman - : - Greek
Jove/Jupiter - Zeus
Mercury - Hermes
Bacchus - Dionysus
Pluto/Dis - Hades
Hercules - Heracles
Apollon - Apollo

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Q: Who were six gods and what were there greek and roman names?
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What are the names of six Greek gods?

Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus

What is the term for older Greek gods?

There isn't any particular terms for older Greek gods -- unless you mean the Titans, who weren't gods, but Chronos sired six of the original gods and goddesses.

Who were the six Olympian gods?

Their names can come in Greek or Roman/Latin. I know only of the Greek version~ Zeus: King of the Gods Poseidon: God of the Sea Apollo: God of Music and Light Ares: God of War Hephaestus: God of Fire and Forge Hermes: The Gods' Messenger Also, in case you'd like the names of the Goddesses: Hera: Goddess of Family and Marriage Athena: Goddess of War and Wisdom Aphrodite: Goddess of Beauty, Love and Romance Artemis: Goddess of Hunt Hestia: Goddess of Hearth and Home Hope this was helpful!

What planet is named after a Greek god?

None, or possibly one. Six planets, and dwarf planet Pluto, are named after Roman gods.Uranus is named for the primal Greek sky deity Ouranos, father of the Titans and husband of Gaia, the Earth goddess.Here are the Greek equivalents to Roman gods:Greek Zeus, Jupiter in Roman: Jove Lord of the Sky, Gods, and Thunder, also Rain-god, Cloud-gathererGreek Hera, Juno in Roman: Protector of MarriageGreek Poseidon, Neptune in Roman: Ruler of the SeaGreek Hades/Polydectes, Pluto in Roman: God of the Underworld and Precious MetalsGreek Pallas/Athena, Minerva in Roman: Goddess of the City, Education/Science, and WarGreek Phoebus/Apollo, Apollo Also in Roman: God of Sun, Truth, Music, HealingGreek Artemis/Orthia/Phoebe, Diana in Roman: Goddess of Wild Things, Hunter-in-ChiefGreek Aphrodite/Anadyomene, Venus in Roman: Goddess of Love and BeautyGreek Hermes/Pyschopompus, Mercury in Roman: God of Commerce and Market,Greek Zeus' Messenger Ares, Mars in Roman: God of WarGreek Enyo, Bellona in Roman: Lesser Goddess of WarGreek Hephaestus, Vulcan/Mulciber in Roman: God of the Forge and Fire, Workman to the immortalsGreek Hestia, Vesta in Roman: Goddess of the Hearth and Home; also Fertility(Greek only)

Who were the most important of Roman gods?

The Roman gods are:Jupiter (Zeus)Neptune (Poseidon)Pluto (Hades)Mars (Ares)Venus (Aphrodite)Apollo (Apollo)Diana (Artemis)Minerva (Athena)Ceres (Demeter)Vulcan(Hephaestus)Juno (Hera)Mercury (Hermes)Vesta (Hestia)Cupid (Eros)Bacchus (Dionysus)Proserpina (Persephone)JanusMaiaFortunaSome other Roman Gods:Saturn (Cronus)Uranus (Ouranos)Names in brackets are their Greek counterparts.

Which greek goddess has six letters in her name?

There are actually 6 Greek Goddesses with six letter names: Hecate, Athena, Hestia, Phoebe, Themis, and Selena.

What are the six names of the gods on mythology island?

Ares, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Hestia , Apollo

Who are the six major Greek gods born to Cronus?

Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.

Who were six greek gods that excisted?

There are more then six gods, there are more then twelve also with all the minor gods and all, but the twelve with thrones on Olympias are Ares · Aphrodite · Apollo Athena · Artemis · Hades · Hera ·Hermes · Hephaestus · Demeter ·Poseidon · and my father Zeus

How many planets were named after mythological Gods?

Six planets, and the dwarf planet Pluto, are named for Roman gods. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto were Roman gods. The dwarf planet Ceres (largest main belt asteroid) is also named for a Roman god. Uranus is named for the primal Greek sky deity Ouranos, father of the Titans and husband of Gaia, the Earth goddess.

What element is named after the god that stole fire frome heaven?

Cerium, named after the asteroid "Ceres" which, in turn, was named after the Roman goddess of agriculture. Helium was named after either "helios" (ancient Greek for "sun") or "Helios" (the god of the sun in Greek mythology). Mercury was named after Mercury, the Roman god of speed and messenger of the gods. Neptunium was named after the planet Neptune, which in turn was named after the Roman god of the sea. Palladium was named after an asteroid discovered two years before the element; this asteroid was named after Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. Plutonium was named after the dwarf planet Pluto; said dwarf planet was named after Pluto, Roman god of the dead. Selenium comes from Greek "selene" (moon) or from "Selene" (Greek goddess of the moon). Tellurium comes from latin "tellus" (earth) or from "Tellus" (Roman mother goddess). Titanium was named after the Titans, a race of powerful deities in Greek mythology. As you can plainly see, there are more than six elements named after a deity.

What were the ancient Greek names for the nine original planets?

Mercury - Greek = Hermes, the messenger of the gods - older name was Stilbon, the gleamingVenus - Greek = Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, older name was Phosphoros, bringer of lightEarth - Greek = Gaia, mother earthMars - Greek = Ares, the god of war, also known as Areos aster, star of AresJupiter - Greek = Zeus, king of godsSaturn - Greek = Kronos, the god of agricultureThe names we use now are all Roman in origin except Uranus and Earth, but the naming conventions were maintained with the more recently discovered planets.Uranus - Greek, god of the heavensNeptune - Greek = Poseidon, the god of the sea.Pluto - Greek = Hades, the god of the underworld