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Q: Who were some famous or important people with autism?
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Can a autistic person be famous?

Some are. Rain Man, Temple Grandin are diagnosed with autism and they are still famous.

How many people have Autism in the world?

There are thousands, maybe millions of people have autism. There are some people who don't know they even have it! So, it's safe to say, there are a lot of people with autism in this world.

What is the same as cancer and autism?

Nothing is the same as cancer and autism, not even cancer and autism are the same. Some very offensive people liken autism to a disease such as cancer, this is ableist.

Is autism mental or a disibility physical?

Autism is not mental or physical per say, nor is it always a disability. Autism is a neurological difference - some people with autism do consider themselves disabled because of the way autism effects them, but many autistic people live just like neurotypical people so do not consider their autism to be a disability at all.

Who are some important or famous people for the house of representatives?

Barrack Obama

Is mercury the cause of autism?

some people think that is but there not sure

Is autism a mental handicap?

No, autism is not a mental handicap.Handicap is an offensive term, a more appropriate term may be disability. Autism is a neurological difference, although some Autistic people may be disabled autism is not a mental disability.

What happens if a high school student with autism is put into regular classes?

I'm 13 with autism and I go to "regular" classes with everybody else. Autism can range from mild to severe. The symptoms of people with autism can vary. People with autism can have very low IQs, but ones labeled as high-functioning have average or higher IQs. People with autism can have different tolerances for different settings - noise, brightness, temperature, scents, number of people, etc. Thus, some will be fine in "regular" classes and some will not. Some will outperform other students in "regular" classes. Some will do fine in a few "regular" classes, but not well in a few other "regular" classes.

Who is the youngest person with autism?

Autism has a genetic component, so people can be born with it. Others are born with a susceptibility to autism that is probably triggered by an environmental factor. So, there are newborns with autism. Usually, autism is not diagnosed until age 2 or 3, but some cases are diagnosed earlier, and some are not identified until much later.

Are people with autism skinny?

Some are while others are not. They vary, as does the entire population.Comment:I know a 20 year old boy with autism who is overweight.

What is mild autism?

There's no such thing as mild autism, there is just autism.A person is born Autistic, how their autism effects them can vary greatly and change throughout their lives. This is why autism is know an a spectrum disorder. Also some people claim Asperger Syndrome is a 'mild form of autism' but this isn't the case, it's just an old diagnosis for Autistic people who didn't display developmental delays - or often it was used to diagnose people to avoid stigma of Autism.

How could you die from Autism?

You can't die as a result of having autism. In some cases autism is so severe that autistic people may not see potential harm such as oncoming trafic or falling into rivers, but this is uncommon. The biggest risk with autism is not the autism itself but prejudice towards autism, unfortunately many parents murder their autistic children or autistic people can be abused to the point of being killed.