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it means kewl as hell

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Q: Who were some important people during the Industrial Revolution?
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Did people have to hide in shelters during the Industrial Revolution?

No the industrial revolution was not the type of revolution where there was any bombing being done. It was a revolution in the method of production.

What important events happened during Jose Rizal's time?

There were several important events in history that happened during Jose Rizal's time. The three most important were the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution and the American Revolution. Rizal was considered to be a great hero to the people of the Philippines.

What people moved to the cities during the Industrial Revolution?


What was it called during the Industrial Revolution when people increasingly rejected religion or religious toleration?

Secularization was referred to people increasingly rejected religion or religious consideration during the industrial revolution.

What new class of people emerge during the industrial revolution?


Why was camera important during the industrial revolution?

The camera allowed people to see news events as they happened, including how workers were being treated.

How did the Agricultural Revolution and subsequent Industrial Revolution change the way people lived and worked?

During the Agricultural Revolution the population shifted towards rural areas. During the Industrial Revolution, the population shifted towards urban areas.

What were the two most important uses of transportation during the Industrial Revolution?

the most important uses of transportation in the industrial revolution was to transport materials foe the industries to make more of them and to bring foods and supplies for the farms on the country to the people in the city. Reem 12yrs. grade 7girls

What is a sit-in in the industrial revolution?

A sit-in during the Industrial Revolution was a form of protest in which people showed up at their workplace, but did not perform any of their work activities.

What group of people's rights were violated during the Industrial Revolution?

the third estate

How did people get paid in a factory system during the industrial revolution?

By the wage system

What became popular during the Industrial Revolution?

Melodrama became Popular during the industrial revolution because life was so hard in this period so people went to see it to get away from their lives.