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Q: Who were some of the confederate military leaders during the civil war?
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Who were the 2 military leaders in the civil war?

U.S. Grant- union Robert E. Lee-confederate

You need to find something about civil war that begins with a v?

Union General Horatio Van Cleve and Confederate General Earl Van Dorn were military leaders during the Civil War. Vicksburg, Mississippi was the scene of a battle during the Civil War.

Was there sides of the military during civil war?

yes union to the north and confederate to the south

Who was the famous leader of the confederate military during the civil war?

Robert E. Lee

Who was the general of the confederate military during the civil war?

Robert E. Lee was one of them.

Who were the leaders of the South during the US Civil War?

The key political leader of the South during the US Civil War was the Confederate President Jefferson Davis. By all accounts it can be said that the South's key military leader was General Robert E. Lee.

Who were the political leaders during the civil war?

The Union president was Abraham Lincoln. The Confederate President was Jefferson Davis.

What is a civil War term with the letter x?

Xavier Blanchard Debray was a military leader during the Civil War. He was a Confederate General.

What was the Souths military goal during the civil war?

defeat the confederate forces and re-unite the union

What are some civil war facts that start with x?

General Xavier Blanchard Debray was a Confederate military leader during the Civil War.

Who are the major military leaders of the north during the civil war?

The Help in many sexual ways.

Who was a conferate military leader during the civil war?

The Confederate Army was led by General Robert E Lee.