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Q: Who were some of the famous people in the time period of Harriet Tubman?
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What was Harriet Tubman time period?

over 60 years

What period of time did harriet Tubman live in?

she lived in the 1800's dah

Was Harriet Tubman in the old west?

no. she lived during the time period of slavery

What period of time did harriet Tubman live?

she lived in the 1800's dah

What is Harriet Tubman known for?

She rescued slaves from down south in the United States many times with the risk of getting caught, even though she could have just enjoyed her own free life. So to wrap it up, you would say that she rescued many slaves from the south.

Who was jonh tubman?

He was the husband of harriet tubman. Harriet Tubman is one of the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors." Making over 19 trips in a 10 year time period, she smuggled over 300 slaves from their "owners" to freedom. Harriet was herself an escaped slave. To many she was considered a hero. To slave owners she was considered a hated criminal. They put a bounty on her head.

In what year was Harriet Tubman born?

Although some sources list that Harriet Tubman was born on March 10th, 1820, her actual date of birth is likely between 1820 and 1822, and possibly as late as 1825. Records were not organized or centralized, especially for slaves, during that period.

Where can you find the beginning or part of an Harriet Tubman essay?

You can find essays on Harriet Tubman in libraries, academic journals, online databases, educational websites, or books dedicated to her life and accomplishments. Additionally, many universities and historical institutions have resources that may contain essays or academic writings on Harriet Tubman.

What impact did Harriet Tubman and Harriet Beecher Stowe have on antislavery attitudes in the north?

Harriet Tubman was a key figure in the Underground Railroad, helping enslaved individuals escape to freedom in the North. Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" brought attention to the harsh realities of slavery, influencing public opinion and increasing antislavery sentiments in the North. Their efforts helped raise awareness and mobilize support for the abolitionist cause during a critical period in American history.

What do Rose O'Neal Greenhow Belle Boyd and Loreta Janeta Velazquez have in common with Harriet Tubman?

What those three very important and famous at the time and present day famous women had in common with Harriet Tubman was that they all contributed in the Union side during the American Civil War.

How much did Harriett Tubman weigh?

From existing portraits of her, Harriet Tubman (born c.1820 - died 1913) looks like she was of an average (120-130) weight for her height, apparent age, and for the period in which she lived.

Who was Harriet Tubman and why is this former slave important?

She was a slave who led other slaves to the north through the Underground Railroad, which is not a real Railroad. This was during the Civil War period where the north disliked the use of slaves.