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1) The protectors of Rome were the four state gods:

- Jupiter (god of the sky, father of the divine family, and patron of Rome)

- Juno (Jupiter's wife)

- Minerva (goddess of handicrafts, learning, and the arts)

- Mars (God of War)

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Four gods and goddesses? The Romans had more than forty major deities and an untold number of lesser gods. They also had a knack of turinng an abstract concept into a god/goddess such as the goddess Fortuna or the city of Rome itself. Here are some of the major deities: Minerva, Jupiter, Juno, Diana, Apollo, Asclepius, Roma, Cybele, Isis, Mithras, Neptune and Mars.

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Q: Who were the 14 gods that the Romans believed in?
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Why did the Romans spend most of their life pleasing their gods?

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What were the beliefs of ancient Romans?

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