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The four helpers in the Secret Annex were Miep Gies, Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, and Bep Voskuijl. They provided food, supplies, and support to Anne Frank and her family while they were in hiding during World War II.

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Q: Who were the 4 helpers in the annex?
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How did the annex residents get food or supplies?

The annex residents received food and supplies through helpers who risked their lives to bring them necessities. These helpers included employees from Otto Frank's company, as well as other brave individuals who sympathized with the occupants' situation and provided them with essential provisions.

Who were there four people who helped the franks when they were in the annex?

The 4 helpers that helped the Frank family were Miep Gies, Victor Kugler, Bep Voskuijl, and Johannes Kleiman. Miep Gies was the main helper, but the others helped also.

What were the ways the residents of the annex got information about the outside world?

The residents of the annex received information about the outside world through newspapers, radio broadcasts, and occasional visits by friends and helpers. They also relied on Anne Frank's father, Otto Frank, to provide updates based on information he received from his contacts.

How are those in the secret annexe able to survive where do they get food who helps them?

Those in the secret annex were supported by trusted friends who provided them with food and supplies. They relied on helpers, such as Miep Gies, Bep Voskuijl, and others, who risked their own safety to bring them necessities and news from the outside world. Additionally, they tried to be resourceful by rationing what they had and making do with the limited resources available to them.

What did Anne Frank do outside the annex?

While Anne Frank lived in the annex, she wasn't allowed outside. That meant she was stuck in the annex from 6 July 1942 to 4 August 1944.

What is a sentence with the word helpers?

Thank you to all the helpers who came today.Santa's little helpers were all drunk.

When was Anne Frank's family discovered in the annex?

They were discovered on 4 August 1944 after hiding in the secret annex for 2 years and 29 days.

What incident interrupts the Hanukkah celebration in Anne Frank?

In Anne Frank's diary, the Hanukkah celebration is interrupted when the Gestapo and Dutch police raid the Secret Annex on December 11, 1943, arresting the inhabitants and the helpers who were hiding them.

When was anne frank found from the secret annex?

august 4 1944

How did Anne Frank's family learn about current events?

The helpers kept those in the annex up-to-date on all news, and even occasionally managed to sneak a non-Nazi newspaper in. But for those in the annex, the high point of their day - and the primary resource for their news - was the BBC and Radio Orange, both forbidden by the Nazis, but everyone with a radio secretly tuned into them, anyway.

What was the Production Budget for The Helpers?

The Production Budget for The Helpers was $4,000,000.

When was The Helpers released?

The Helpers was released on 12/31/2012.