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Q: Who were the English Protestants of the 16th and 17th century who advocated similar forms of creed and ritual in the Church of England?
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Which language would have been spoken in 16th century England?

The national language of England in 1564 was Early Modern English.

Who wrote the book of Martyrs?

The Book of Martyrs, also known as Foxe's Book of Martyrs, was written by John Foxe, an English historian and martyrologist. It details the persecution of early Christians and Protestants during the 16th century in England.

What language did medieval England speak?

The Middle Ages ran from about the 5th Century to the 15th Century. Old English was spoken in England until the 12th Century, and Middle English was spoken from the 12th Century to the end of the 15th Century.

Who are puritans?

Puritanism is a mix of English Protestantism and Calvinism. When May Tutor became Queen of England, she didn’t tolerate protestants and forced everyone to become catholic again. Some converted back, some went into hiding, others were burned at the stack, and the rest were exiled. They were called the Marian Exiles. After leaving England, the exiled protestants learned the ideas of John Calvin and adopted them. When Elizabeth Tutor became Queen, the protestants felt it was safe to come back to England and they brought the Calvinist ideas with them. Once in England, they shared the new ideas and formed Puritanism. Main ideas of Puritanism is the belief of Predestination and the idea that anything (when it comes to religion and religious ceremonies) not written in the bible isn’t true. So they don’t believe in Purgatory, Limbo, sainthood, celibacy, or “the Beauty of Holiness.” They also felt is was important for everyone to be literate and educated.

What form of English came earlier than middle English?

Old English came earlier than Middle English. Old English was spoken in England from around the 5th century to the 11th century, while Middle English was spoken from the 12th century to the 15th century.

Is England part of the Civil War?

The English Civil War was in the 17th century.

When and where was the English first spoken?

The English language developed from a variety of dialects spoken by Germanic tribes who migrated to England around the 5th century. Old English, the earliest form of the language, was spoken in what is now England and southern Scotland.

Do catholics and protestants fight anywhere apart from ireland?

Yes. The 17th Century was dominated by religious wars between Protestants and Catholics, including conflicts in France, Spain, Portugal, England, The Holy Roman Empire, and most of Western Europe. Currently, though, the Irish conflict is the only international conflict between Catholics and Protestants.

Who were the Protestants?

the protestants were the people who did not believe in the ways of the church. their name comes from the word "protest" as that is what they did. in the 15th century, Europe split into 2 groups, catholics and protestants.

Which people is the English language named after?

The English language is named after the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes that invaded England in the 5th century.

What language was spoken in England in Tudor times?

English was spoken in England during Tudor times, specifically Middle English in the early Tudor period (late 15th to early 16th century) and Early Modern English in the later Tudor period (late 16th century). The Tudor monarchs themselves primarily spoke English.

What language did English colonists speak?

If they were English colonists, that means they were from England, and therefore that they spoke English.