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The USN. British warships were considered "short legged" by the USN. HMS warships were built for re-fuelling at naval bases; and had not learned nor were they equipped for "Fuelling At Sea" as USN warships could do; and nearly all Australian warships were British built. Consequently, British/Australian warships were often left out of the battle when battle did come. The British were by no means happy about this. But it couldn't be helped...the US had a war to win (keep up or be left behind!).

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Q: Who were the allies in the battle of the Philippine sea?
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When did Battle of the Philippine Sea happen?

Battle of the Philippine Sea happened in 1944.

What was the terrain of the battle of the Philippine sea?

Sea and Sky.

What were the 3 sea battles with Japanese?

Midway , Battle of the Coral Sea and Battle of the Philippine Sea .

Why was the battle of Philippine sea important?

The Battle Of Philippine Sea is important because approximately 400 Japanese Aircraft were shot down, and everybody in them died.

When did the Battle of the Philippines happen?

Battle of the Philippine Sea happened in 1944.

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What was the Battle of the Philippine sea also known as?

The Battle of the Philipine Sea was also known as "The Marianas Turkey Shoot."

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What were the loses in the battle of the Philippine sea?

For detailed information see website: Battle of the Philippine Sea. The IJN lost the rest of their naval aircrewmen at the Philippine Sea...also known as the the Great Marianna's Turkey Shoot...there's something to be said for "experience." All of the IJN's best airmen died at Midway, and IJN pilot trainee's went up to meet battle hardened USN pilots at the Philippine was a Turkey Shoot.

Who was the allies during the battle of the coral sea?

Us, Australia.

Who fought in the Philippine sea battle?

In the Philippine Sea. The Philippine Sea is actually the Pacific Ocean, but the Pacific's so large, apparently navies like to divide it up into several different oceans, hence the Philippine Sea, South China Sea, Java Sea, Banda Sea, Coral Sea, Arafura Sea, Flores Sea, Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, Tasman Sea, the Bering Sea, etc. The so called Philippine Sea is along the east side (coastline) of the Philippines.

Where were the allies biggest defeats buring 1942?

The Battle of the Java Sea; the Battle of Savo Island.