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Benjamin Franklin's The Way to Wealth

The people is the answer to the question

"... I concluded at length, that the people were the best judges of my merit; for they ..."

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Q: Who were the best judges of the author's merit for Benjamin Franklin?
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Why did Benjamin Franklin submit his articles to his brother's newspaper anonymously?

Benjamin Franklin submitted his articles anonymously to his brother's newspaper to maintain impartiality and allow the work to be judged on its own merit rather than on his reputation. He also wanted to receive honest feedback without bias based on his identity.

The first merit selection process for choosing judges was developed in 1949 in what state?


What US state bar plan selects judges on the basis of merit?

Missouri bar

What is an advantage in selecting judges by the merit system?

a nonpartisan commission that reviews the qualifications of applicants for judicial office

Who are the circuit court judges of Florida?

Judges in Florida are selected 1 of 2 ways. The lower level judges are selected through a public election The higher level judges are selected through a merit selection. A merit selection is when the board comprises a list of possible judge selections and the governor of the state then picks one from that list. After the judge has served his/her first term (4 years) he/she must attend a retention hearing to see if they will continue to serve as the judge.

What can be inferred about the criminal justice system from the information in the a plus lesson?

the criminal justice system allows judges and prosecutors to treat each case on its own merit.

Can a judge from a different county issue a search warrant for a residence in that same county to another county?

Many judges are state and federal judges, so perhaps their jurisdiction is extended beyond the county they are in. If a search warrant is presented to you by the police, you can be certain it has merit just as it stands.

What are the five historical figures you need to create to get the Easter egg merit in super Scribblenauts?

you need Leonardo , Ben Franklin, Galileo, Alexander the great, George Washington

What does scientific merit mean?

scientific merit

When was Order of Merit created?

Order of Merit happened in 1902.

How different iits make merit list?

They all have the same merit list. There is no different Merit List.

What sentence ends with the word merit?

This question has no merit.