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Q: Who were the colonists that supported the british cause?
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Who supported the british in the French and Indian War?

the colonists supported the british

What did the colonists do in the Revolutionary War?

supported the British

What fraction of the colonist supported the revolution against British?

what fraction of the colonists supported the revolution against the British

What were those who supported the British cause during the American Revolution called?

they could have been called loyalists im not sure

Name given to colonists who supported the British crown?

They were called Loyalists.

The colonists who supported the actions and beliefs of the British were referred to as what?

They were referred to as 'Tories or Loyalists.

At the time of the Revolutionary War about how many of the colonists supported the British crown?

one third

Who was the colonists who supported the British government and wanted Britain to win the Revolutionary war?


Did the british or the colonists have more money during the revolutionary war?

the British did cause that's when the colonists just settled there

Why did some North Americans side with th British in the French and Indian war?

Americans that supported the British, or Loyalists, supported the British in fear of losing their fortunes if the Colonists lost the Indepence War.

What describes American colonists who supported the British during the Revolutionary war who had fled to England?


What describes American colonists who supported the British during the revolutionary war and who had fled to England?
