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Q: Who were the conspirators who killed Caesar?
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What reasons did William Shakespeare give for the death of Caesar?

the conspirators killed ceasar because he was ambitious

Who were the conspirators who killed Caesar in pompey?

Pompey is not a place, he was a political rival of Caesar who died in Egypt long before Caesar's assasination. It's possible you were thinking of Pompeii, but Caesar was not killed there, either. He was killed in the Senate building on March 15, 44 B.C. The conspirators who killed him were a group of Senators. Brutus, once a close ally of Caesars', was the most famous assasin. Cassius Longingus was another famous assasin, and a senator who was involved in the plot.

What is the meaning of the choice and master spirits of this age in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar?

Mark Antony addresses these words to the conspirators who killed Caesar. He says that as they have killed the mighty Caesar, who accomplished many great tasks, and conquered great empires, the conspirators are now responsible for the working of Rome. They have the choice, the power and are the masters of what to do next in Rome. He requests them to kill him too, as he realizes no hour is more fit and no place more apt than being killed along with his master and friend, the great Julius Caesar.

Were the conspirators justified after they killed Caesar?

It depends on which side you were pulling for. Cicero and the Optimates were thrilled and called them heroes for saving the Republic. Octavian, Antony and the Populists were infuriated and ultimately avenged Caesar's murder.

What was the primary subject in Julius Caesar?

The primary subject of the play Julius Caesar is the conspirators who plotted against Julius Caesar. It portrays the conspiracy again Julius Caesar, his assassination, and the defeat of the conspirators at the Battle of Philippi.

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Is Caesar killed in the capitol?

Yes, Caesar is killed in the Capitol by the Conspirators. Caesar goes to the Capitol as pushed to by Decius. The Conspirators stabber Caesar-the Conspirators include Brutus, Casca, Cassius, ect...

Who killed Jullies Caesar in the play Julies Caesar By William Shakespeare and what did Antony do to find out?

Caesar was killed by several conspirators, the primary ones being Cassius and Brutus. Antony finds the conspirators actually standing over the body after Caesar was killed.

What did the conspirators do after they killed Caesar?

they washed their hands in his blood

How is Antony is respected in Julius Caesar?

He convinced the citizens of Rome that the conspirators had lied about why they had killed Caesar.

Was tiberius Caesar murdered?

yes he was murdered by a group of conspirators who turned against him. brutus, his former friend, was convinced by the conspirators to join in and kill caesar.

Who gave their reasons why Caesar was killed?

The conspirators announced that they had killed Caesar and freed the Roman Republic by shouting out collectively "People of Rome, we are once again free!"

What reasons did William Shakespeare give for the death of Caesar?

the conspirators killed ceasar because he was ambitious

What do Brutus and Cassius have to do with Caesars death?

They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.They were two of the conspirators who killed him.

Why were the people who killed Julius Caesar called conspirators?

Why not - that's what they were. Cassius, Brutus, Casca and so on plotted to kill Caesar at the Senate in 44BC

Who were the conspirators who killed Caesar in pompey?

Pompey is not a place, he was a political rival of Caesar who died in Egypt long before Caesar's assasination. It's possible you were thinking of Pompeii, but Caesar was not killed there, either. He was killed in the Senate building on March 15, 44 B.C. The conspirators who killed him were a group of Senators. Brutus, once a close ally of Caesars', was the most famous assasin. Cassius Longingus was another famous assasin, and a senator who was involved in the plot.

How does conspirators manage togather around Caesar in the capital?

The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.The conspirators gathered around Caesar on the pretext of presenting a petition to him.

How do the conspirators justify their murder of Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was a Roman emperor. The people who killed him were called conspirators because they were involved in a conspiracy to kill him.