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Druidism was generally the form of Paganism that Pre-Christian Ireland subscribed to. The Druid was the priest who would hold the rituals. Druidism lasted until the Christianization of Ireland circa 900 CE.

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Q: Who were the druids and what period in Ireland do they date?
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Did the Druids live in ancient Ireland?

Yes, there were druids living in ancient Ireland.

Where did the druids live?

The Druids are believed to have lived in several regions, primarily in Ancient Gaul (present-day France) and Britain. They were known as priests, scholars, and spiritual leaders among the Celtic people, and their influence extended across much of Western Europe during ancient times.

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It would have to be present day Ireland. Remember, long before Rome fell, the Druids were driven from Gaul and outlawed in Britain. Many of the Druids, and their followers escaped to Ireland, or Hibernia, in Roman lingo. The Druids were the leaders of Celtic culture and the preservers of Celtic traditions and they found safety in Ireland's comparatively isolated location.

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Legend says that St. Patrick banished all the snakes from Ireland. However, scientist say that their is no fossil evidence that snakes ever occurred in that country.

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Saint Patrick converted the pagan Druids of Ireland to Christianity.

Who did St. Patrick describe the Holy Trinity to?

He described the Trinity to the pagan Druids of Ireland.

Who brought religion to Ireland?

Christianity is said to have been brought to Ireland by St. Patrick. Prior to that people were pagan and druids were important.

What changes did St. Patrick make?

He converted the pagan Druids of Ireland to Christianity.Patrick converted Ireland from the pagan Druid religion to Christianity.

Who did the Druids not like Saint Patrick's Christian teachings?

Some of the pagan Druids of Ireland were not too happy about St. Patrick's efforts to convert them to Christianity, particularly the chieftains.