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The first European to step onto American grounds is credited to Leif Erickson. He landed in what is now Newfoundland.

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Q: Who were the first European to make contact with the Americas?
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What place did Leif Eriksson Discover?

The New World, turns out there were already people there but he make first European contact.

When did Europeans make contact with native Americans?

In 1492 when Columbus sailed to the Americas on the Hispaniola.

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Well there was an explorer who made contact with them he was an European and his name was Jacques Cartier thats all i Know Thank YOU VERY MUCH

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The pilgrims were the first to make contact with the Sioux. When the Sioux first saw the pilgrims arrive on the mayflower, they slaughter them as they took the first steps on American soil.

How did the triangular trade have an impact on Africa Europe and Americas?

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The Roman Empire created a trade system with India. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Portugal was the first European country to make a settlement in India.

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