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Q: Who were the first Europeans to land on the coast of West Africa?
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Who were the first Europeans to arrive to Africa's west coast?

the Portuguese

Who were the first Europeans to arrive on Africa's west coast?

the Portuguese

What did Europeans first sought in West africa?

Europeans first saw West Africa as a new territory to obtain spices and agricultural products. West Africa was also a place for Europeans to trade their own goods.

What coast do they call west Africa?

The West Coast of Africa

First European country to set up colonies along the African coast?

The first Europeans to reach West Africa were the Portuguese in the 15th century. Prince Henry the Navigator wanted to cut out the middleman and sent explorers to West Africa to look for gold.

What was the Southern coast of west Africa known as by the Portuguese explorers?

The Portuguese called the southern coast of West Africa the Gold Coast. They first arrived in the area in 1471.

Who was the first European to explore the west coast of Africa?


What was the country that explored the coast of west Africa?

Portugal explored the coast of west africa

How did sugar and gold change slavery in west Africa?

Slavery in Africa was previously a local matter. The white men's need for labour in sugar plantations caused the transatlantic slave trade. Gold was available on the West African coast, which first attracted Europeans to the area.

When did the Portuguese explores the gold coast of west Africa?

In 1471, the Portuguese explorers were the first European explorers to visit the Gold Coast of West Africa. The Gold Coast was a British colony on the Gulf of Guinea in west Africa that became the independent nation of Ghana in 1957.

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of Africa?

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa? He does that to every question he see's^ But the answer is: The Portuguese.

On which continent is Ivory Coast located?

Ivory Coast is located on the west coast of Africa.Ivory Coast is a country in West Africa. It is on the continent of Africa.