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ANCIENT ATHENS is the Greek City-State credited with creating the world's first democracy.

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The city-state of Athens/

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Q: Who were the first Greek to develop democratic government?
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Who were the first to develop a democratic way of life?

The Athenians were the first civilization to have a democratic government, but only free landowning men were allowed to vote.

System of democracy first introduced?

Democracy is a Greek term which means 'rule of people'. This system of government was first practiced by Greek city state of Athens. Athenians are believed to have established first democratic government in 508-507 BC.

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Where was the first government in the world?

The first democratic government in the world was within Greece.

How does ancient Greek culture affect America today and what changes did the Greeks make that we still use?

Ancient Athens adopted the first directly democratic government

What must first develop before a nation can begin to industrialize?

A Democratic Goverment

Who proposed the first democratic government?

Athens Greece

Where did democratic government began?

Athens had the First Republic.

Where did the first Greek civilization develop?

Of the coast of Lominos

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Where and when did the first greek civilization develop?

On the island Limnos