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Q: Who were the first europeans to travel around the world in a ship?
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Ferdinand Magellan

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The monglifier brothers were the first people to travel around the world in a hot air balloon known as the monglifier balloon

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How did the Industrial Revolution motivate Europeans to claim colonies around the world? A. Europeans hoped to recruit scientists from around the world to help develop new technology. B. Europeans wanted to spread industrial technology to poor countries around the world. C. Europeans hoped to find Natural Resources to produce goods in factories. D. Europeans needed places to use the new technologies they had developed.

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China invented fireworks first, then the Europeans found out about the Chinese invention, and then it spread around the world.

Do carpenters travel around the world?

Yes, many carpenters travel around the world.

Did Sir Frances Drake accomplish his journey?

That he was the first englishman to travel around the world.