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Q: Who were the key players in the standard oil trust?
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What was the first modern trust?

Standard Oil Trust

What was the first trust created in the United States?

rockefeller's standard oil trust

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Identify John D Rockefeller and the standard oil company and rise of trust and monopolies?

Identify John D Rockefeller and the standard oil company and rise of trust and monopolies?

Who created the Standard Oil Trust?

john d. Rockefeller

President Taft ordered the breakup of what?

The Standard Oil Trust

When was Standard Oil dissolved?

In 1911 the U.S. Supreme Court ordered that Standard Oil be dissolved. The trust was divided into 33 independent companies.

Who did trust like standard oil became mostly large with?

Eliminating competition

What was the peak share price of Standard Oil Trust in the 1980s?

In the 1980s Standard Oil had a portfolio of stocks. The price for Standard Oil was a result of adding these together. They all had different highs and lows. In 1982 the combined portfolio stock price for Standard Oil was $137.02 per share.

Who exposed the Standard Oil Trust in articles written for McClure's Magazine?

Ida Tarbell

Who was president when the standard oil trust was formed?

Are you serious? Why are you asking a simple question like that here, just type in "standard oil trust fund president" on google, its theodore roosevelt. You would find it 10x faster and more accurate there.

What industry did john d Rockefeller establish a monoply over?

oil. he created the standard oil trust to get rid of competion