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Ida Tarbell

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Q: Who exposed the Standard Oil Trust in articles written for McClure's Magazine?
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Journalist who wrote one of the first articles that popularized the muckraking?

Ida Tarbell was a journalist who wrote one of the first articles that popularized the muckraking movement. Her series on the Standard Oil Company exposed its monopolistic practices and helped lead to the breakup of the company.

What muckraker exposed the cutthroat methods used by Standard Oil to eliminate competition?

Ida Tarbell, an investigative journalist and muckraker, exposed the cutthroat methods used by Standard Oil to eliminate competition in her series of articles published in McClure's Magazine in the early 20th century. She played a key role in shaping public opinion and ultimately contributing to the breakup of Standard Oil's monopoly.

What event expose the weakness of the articles of confederation?

Shay's Rebellion exposed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

Who was the journalist that exposed standard oil as a monopoly?

Ida Tarbell was the journalist who exposed Standard Oil as a monopoly.

Who investigated and reported John D Rockefeller's corrupt business practices?

Ida M. Tarbell, an investigative journalist, exposed John D. Rockefeller's corrupt business practices through a series of articles in McClure's Magazine. Her work contributed to public awareness of his monopolistic practices and led to the eventual breakup of his company, Standard Oil, by the Supreme Court in 1911.

Who was the journalist that exposed the ruthless methods of John D. Rockefeller?

Ida Tarbell was the journalist who exposed the ruthless methods of John D. Rockefeller through a series of articles in McClure's Magazine in the early 1900s. Her investigative reporting helped pave the way for antitrust legislation and a greater awareness of the power of monopolies in the United States.

What company was exposed as a monopoly by Ida Tarbell?

standard oil

Why do silver articles become black after sometime when exposed to air?

The silver exposed to air combines with oxygen in the air to form silver oxide which is black.

What are Muckraker articles?

Muckraker articles were investigative journalism pieces that exposed corruption, injustices, and societal issues in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These articles aimed to bring about social and political reform by shedding light on issues such as political corruption, labor abuses, and unsanitary living conditions. Muckrakers played a key role in raising public awareness and shaping public opinion during this period.

What was the following demonstrates a goal of muckrakers?

They exposed government corruption in the hope of changing unfair laws. :{)- Answered By Yung Jeez

Who exposed Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company's unethical practices that allowed it to become a monopoly?

Lincoln Steffens was known for exposing corruption in city government. Ida Tarbell was the person that exposed Rockefeller Standard Oil.

Why did shays rebellion become a concern for many national leaders?

exposed fundamental weaknesses in government under the Articles of Confederation