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Scotch-Irish and Germans

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Q: Who were the major non-English immigrant groups in the middle colonies?
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Related questions

How did cooperation and respect between many different immigrant groups affect the economies of the middle colonies?

It helped trade and businesses in the Middle Colonies.

What were some of the costs and benefits for immigrant who came to the middle colonies?

no i cant answer this.

What are the native American groups in the middle colonies?

Some Native American groups that were in the middle colonies, were the Algonquin and the Iroquois tribes. (:

What contributed to the success of the middle colonies?

Religious tolerance (apex)

Why would immigrants have a chosen to live in the middle colonies?

Everyone was an immigrant to the colonies. Farmers liked the Middle Colonies because they could grow cash crops.

How Many Groups Are The 13 Colonies Divided Into Name Them?

The 13 colonies were divided into three groups. They were called the Southern Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the New England Colonies.

By 1770 the middle colonies had a uniquely diverse immigrant population the largest number of immigrants were?


What ethnic groups settled in the middle colonies?

There were several ethnic groups that settled in the middle colonies. Those groups included Swedish people, Irish, English, Scottish, Dutch, and French.

What were the religious groups in the 13 colonies?

None; the middle colonies had a very diverse religious population.

What are the three groups of colonies in America?

Pilgrams, Christopher Columbus, Kelleher Michelin

Why did the middle colonies have more tolerance for religios and cultural differences than the New England colonies did?

Unlike New England Colonies,many different religious groups lived in the Middle Colonies. The Middle colonies had a lot of fertile soil.

What ethnic and racial groups settled in the middle colonies and why they do so?

The Dutch and the Swedish were the first to settle in middle colonies. They were primarily farmers and manufacturers.