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Q: Who were the majority of people to die on the Trail of Tears?
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Did a lot of the trail of tears people die?

Yes, many of them died of sickness.

During the Trail of Tears the US Government moved most of the Cherokee to what state?

The government moved the the Cherokee that did not die on the trail of tears to the state of Oklahoma.

How many men women and children die in the Trail of Tears?


Did a lot of the Trail of Tears peoples die?

Yes, many of them died of sickness.

Why was the trails of tears important?

it is called the Trail of Tears because american indians when they found gold on cherokee land the government came in.they took the land and got rid of the indians.many took a passage westward.on the long journey more than 15,000 die of disease or became know as the trail of tears

How many Native Americans die on the Trail of Tears?

During the march, the Cherokee suffered from disease, hunger, and harsh weather. Almost one fourth of the 18,000 died on the march.

Where did the princess of Cherokee die when she walked the Trail of Tears?

She did not die, because 'she' never existed. There is not now, nor has there ever been a 'Cherokee Princess' that term was labeled to Cherokee women displayed to aristocrats from Europe.

How many native Americans die on trail of tears?

During the march, the Cherokee suffered from disease, hunger, and harsh weather. Almost one fourth of the 18,000 died on the march.

How many Indians died in the Indian removal act?

Estimates suggest that around 4,000 - 6,000 Native Americans died during the forced relocation known as the Trail of Tears under the Indian Removal Act. This tragic event occurred in the 1830s and primarily involved the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes.

About how many Cherokee die on the journey?

Estimates vary on how many Cherokee went on the infamous Trail of Tears. When the Cherokee arrived in Oklahoma, estimates are that around four thousand Indians had died. More were to die once they got there.

What made the people fight during the Trail of Tears?

The US Army and its related agents and militias were committing acts of Murder, Rape, and wholesale villainy (an old world term). The normal reaction of any human would be to fight rather than die from such acts.

What kind of hundred mile journey did Cherokee Indians die on from explosives and disease?

It was a lot more than a hundred miles, and they died from exposure, not explosives. That means freezing to death. The Trail of Tears killed almost 1/3 of all the Cherokee people that were alive at that time.