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among the prisoners were career criminals, including murderers, rapists etc, they are often refered to as monsters.

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Q: Who were the monsters of the concentration camps and what were their crimes?
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Who worked in concentration camps?

generally they were de-mobbed. Those who had committed war-crimes were brought to trial.

How many homosexuals were sent to concentration camps?

about ten thousand, though of those sent to the camps for other crimes many may have been homosexual.

What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What were concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What was war crimes?

After the war, and the survivors of the Concentration Camps were sent to England and the United States, A War Crime Commission was formed to find out those German soldiers who were involved in killing the Jews including the babies who were confined in the concentration Camps and committed war crimes against them. War crimes were medically testing using humans, including children, as guinea pigs for surgical solutions.

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There were no saunas in concentration camps.

What were examples of concentration camps?

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Why were the numberg trials important?

The Nuremberg Trials put officers from the German High Command responsible for war crimes to justice. Among the war crimes that they were convicted of were atrocities committed in the concentration camps.

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

Was their any concentration camps in Arizona?

yes there was concentration camps in Arizona

What was the number of the major concentration camps?

Their was 20 major concentration camps.

What if you had concentration camps today?

There are concentration camps today (in North Korea).