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Q: Who were the presidents of the allies of the Nazis countries?
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Who were the allies of the Americans?

the presidents

What did the allies do to the Nazis leadership?

i think they defeated them

What countries fought against the Nazis army?

Some of the main countries against the Nazis were Britain, Greece, America, And all the other countries surrounding Germany. Italy joined the Allies later on when they saw that the Axis was losing.

What is the objective of D-Day by the Nazis?

The Nazis object was to defeat the Allies on the beaches - It didn't work.

Who was against Nazis?

the allies (britain, america, russia)

Who rioted against Nazis?

The teenage jew's and the allies

What did the allies have in common?

they all wanted to kill Nazis

Who was on the allied and axis powers?

first we will start with the axis. there were the Nazis, Italians (they dropped out of the war in 1943), and japanese. the allies had the US, Canada, britain, and most of the other countries in europe.

How would the Nazis travel when they were invading countries?

The Nazis would travel by plane or boat when they invaded countries

Was France an allies?

No, France was not one of the Allies during WWII. France was occupied by the Nazis until invaded by the Allied armies.

What is political allies?

Political allies are countries that help other countries in war or something.

What happened As a result of the Yalta and Potsdam conferences?

The Allies agreed that international courts would prosecute Nazis for war crimes.