

Who were the slaves that got to the US?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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black people

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Q: Who were the slaves that got to the US?
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they had sufure for us to get back home slaved to they got slaved

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the economic effected slaves during the civil war because when slaves got free they had 2 pay their own duse 2 everything

What route did black slaves from the US take to get to Canada?

slaves got to canada by the underground railroad there were many routes of the underground railroads and they took boats on top of rivers

What is something all slaves got from president Lincoln?

some that all slaves got was freedom

Did the Anasazi have slaves?

The Anasazi did not have slaves but they got diffeted by Hernando Cortez

Are there any slave states in the US?

Not anymore, the civil war was the war that got rid of slavery. Though other countries still have slaves.

How many slaves are there in the US today?

Slavery is now illegal in the US. Therefore there should be no slaves in the US today.

How were household slaves treated different form other slaves in ancient rome?

Basically household slaves kind got paid but not public slaves

How does the US growth after the Mexican War intensify the question of slavery in the US?

It made slavery more relevant rather then irrelevant. Also conditions for slaves got more strict then before.

What did slaves accomplish?

They got and earned freedom:)

What happened to roman slaves when they got sick?

They either got well as they worked, or they died.

How did anti slavery groups tell slaves about the underground railroad?

"hey home slice, we got this under railroad foshizzle you should come and grind with us."