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In John 21:20 , John..... John 21 :15 ..Peter .... John 20:27 ... Thomas

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Q: Who were the three disciples Jesus was closest to and where in the bible can you find this?
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The three closest disciples of Jesus Christ sometimes called the '' circle''?

I don't know about them being referred to as "the circle", but the three disciples of the twelve that Jesus took with him to certain places, like the Mountain of Transfiguration, Garden of Gethsemane, etc. were Simon Peter, James, and John. (Matthew 17)

Who are the 2 friends of Jesus?

Off hand, I would say that of the twelve disciples, John and Peter were His two closest friends. John, in his gospel called himself "the disciple whom Jesus loved". Peter was the one who after he had denied Jesus three times, was asked by Jesus: "Peter do you love me?" three times.

Who were the three disciples who went with Jesus to the mountain?

Peter, James, and John were the three disciples who went with Jesus to the mountain where he was transfigured.

Was Jesus's disciples always loyal to him?

Here Judas betrayed Jesus and peter denied Jesus three times.

Who were The three disciples who were near Jesus during His agony in the garden?

The disciples were Peter, James and John. (Mark 14:33)

What bad things did the disciples do to Jesus?

Peter denied Jesus three times, Judas betrayed Jesus, and they all ran away.

How many disciples were in the Bible story Jesus calms the storm?

In the three Gospels which record this event no number is mentioned. It could reasonably be assumed, that since no-one is recorded as being absent that all twelve were present. See:Matthew 8:23-27: Mark 4:35-41 and Luke 8:22-25

What were three ways Jesus was there for His disciples?

1.He guided them. 2.He taught them. 3.He loved them.

Which three disciples did Jesus take when he went to heal Jairus' daughter?

Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him when he went to heal Jairus' daughter. These three disciples often accompanied Jesus on important occasions, such as the Transfiguration and Gethsemane.

How many times did Jesus pray to God before he was arrested?

Mark's Gospel, the first gospel to be written, divided the last twenty four hours in the life of Jesus into eight periods of three hours each. Mark has Jesus go to the Garden of Gethsemane at 9 pm, where his closest disciples, Peter, James and John, were not able to remain awake. "Could you not watch one hour?" Jesus asked. The process was repeated two more times and each time the disciples fell asleep. It was now midnight, and Jesus had prayed three times.

How many times does the word disciple appear in the Bible?

The word 'disciple' or 'disciples' appears in the Bible 294 times.

How many years did the disciples follow Jesus?

about three, give or take. Jesus began his ministry at age thirty and was crucified when thirty-three.