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I think more than two apostles were the founders of the early Christian churches.

Jesus told all his disciples to take the Gospel message to other people in other cities and countries. When the apostles and disciples preached the Gospel and people believed then local churches were established.

Peter is believed to have taken the gospel to Samaria, Joppa, Caesarea. Paul took the gospel to Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth and other places. Phillip the apostle is believed to have taken the gospel to parts of Asia Minor. John is believed to have gone with Phillip and Peter to parts of Samaria.

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Peter, James the Greater, James the Lesser, John, Thomas, Paul, Simon, Andrew, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thadeus, and Mathias.

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Q: Who were the two apostles that were the founders of early christian churches?
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Who were the two of the founders of the early christian churches?

I think more than two apostles were the founders of the early Christian churches. Jesus told all his disciples to take the Gospel message to other people in other cities and countries. When the apostles and disciples preached the Gospel and people believed then local churches were established. Peter is believed to have taken the gospel to Samaria, Joppa, Caesarea. Paul took the gospel to Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth and other places. Phillip the apostle is believed to have taken the gospel to parts of Asia Minor. John is believed to have gone with Phillip and Peter to parts of Samaria.

Early Christian leaders that helped set up churches and spread the message of Jesus are called?

Early Christian leaders that helped set up churches and spread the message of Jesus are called apostles. The apostles were chosen by Jesus himself and played a crucial role in establishing and guiding the early Christian community. They were responsible for spreading the teachings of Jesus and laying the foundations of the Christian faith.

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When where and how did Early Christian communities worship?

They worship in small congregation. This was before the establishment churches.

What is an apostles?

each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ. It can also mean an important early Christian teacher or a pioneering missionary

What did a person have to do to join the early Christian community?

Be Baptized, and then receive the Holy Spirit from the Apostles laying their hands upon them.

Does crucifixion mean early christian leaders who set up churches?

Crucifixion is an ancient method of execution in which the condemned person is tied or nailed to a large wooden cross and left to hang until dead. This was the style of execution used to kill Jesus Christ. The early Christian leaders who set up the first Church of the New Testament were the Apostles of Jesus Christ, led by Paul.

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The use of instruments in early Christian music seems to have been frowned upon. In the late 4th or early 5th century.

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Did the apostles performed the sign of the cross?

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