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fried chiecken

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Q: Who were the winners of the first democratic election in Mongolia in the 1990's?
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Laura Miller was the mayor of Dallas, Texas from 2002-2007. Although a journalist by training and profession, she affiliated with the Democratic Party and became involved in politics during the late 1990s.

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Texas billionaire Ross Perot formed the Independent party. Perot ran in the 1992 Presidential election and received 18 percent of the vote.

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The internet was a major technological development in the 1990s

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The internet was a major technological development in the 1990s

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During the 1990s the stock market boomed.

In the 1990s several Mexican states elected what as governors?

Only PRI CandidatesNon-National Democratic Front CandidatesNon-MRI CandidatesNon-PRI CandidatesThis is the Answer for A+ Programs.You're welcome-Shelby D.[Good luck with your tests in World History ^..^ -Hugs-]

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Sales of spaghetti sauces were $2 billion in the 1990s

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The United States Republican Party (as conservative) scored many victories across the 1990s. Particularly, the 1994 election resulted in picking up some 54-House and 8-Senate seats.

What was the relationship between soviet union and Czechoslovakia during cold war?

Czechoslovakia was a puppet state of USSR, led by a communist government. There was a chance of reformation to a more democratic country in 1968 which was however stopped by Soviet invasion that lasted till 1990s.