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the penguin

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Q: Who will win in a fight Capone bege from One Piece or the penguin from DC Comics?
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Who will win in a fight albert wesker from Resident Evil or the penguin from DC Comics?

I vote for the penguin

Who will win in a fight the penguin from DC Comics or trevor Phillips from Grand Theft Auto 5?

the penguin

Who would win in a fight Tony Montana from Scarface or the Penguin from DC Comics?

The Penguin would win.

Who would win in a fight Tony Russo from Married to the Mob or the Penguin from DC Comics?

The Penguin would win.

Who would win in a fight Nami from One Piece or Gambit from Marvel Comics?


Who was Muhammad Ails first fight against?

al Capone

Who will win in a fight deadpool from Marvel Comics or the penguin from DC Comics?

the penguin Due to his advanced umbrella-based weaponry and defenses, one might think The Penguin might have an upper hand against someone who uses mostly offensive weapons like Deadpool. However, one must keep in mind that Deadpool is a mutant capable of rapid healing and superhuman reflexes. The Penguin does not possess these, and would therefore be put at a disadvantage. Additionally, given the fact that Deadpool cannot die, ultimately The Penguin would not be able to defeat Deadpool, at least by killing him.

Who would in a fight an owl or a penguin?

penguin because i said so

Does epf stand for epic penguin fight?

No. It stands for Elite Penguin Force.

Who would in a fight Captain America or wolverine?

Wolverine, because all Marvel Comics heroes are more powerful than D.C. Comics heroes.

How do you kill Google Penguin Effects or Fight with it?

you can't

What was the no-name man's fantasy animal in Fight Club?

A Penguin